Follow Little P to See the World
Title: Follow Little P to See the World
Year Completed: 2022
Size: 60.5 x 72.5 cm
Technical: Oil paint and Canvas
When I was a child, I stayed at my grandpa's house while my mom and dad went to work during the day. At that time, I often went to the neighbour's house to play, and they had a dog named Little P. I often followed Little P, wherever he went, I followed him. The perspective of the picture is my perspective. Because I was only three or four years old at the time, I was only a little taller than Little P. The scene in the painting is the space and furnishings of the neighbour's house. The red triangle on the left is the stairs. The white one is the table and chair. The grey one on the right is Little P's dog cage. The yellow one is the door frame, which we can go to the kitchen behind. The black one may be the shadow of the door frame, or it may be another space. The blue one is a shadow, which is also a spatial penetration.