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Sandra Pappalardo



Sandra Gabriela Pappalardo was born in 1963 in the city of Buenos Aires, where she spent her childhood, to Italian grandparents and parents who emigrated to Argentina after the war. Her humble and hard-working family made great efforts to provide her with the necessary education for her development. He attended primary and secondary school. He studied Pedagogical Bac-calaureate, Teaching and then in the National School of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano in Capital Federal graduating in 1989. Participating in numerous exhibitions of the collective -Mate Amargo-. With a restless profile and always involved with social and political issues, she decid-ed to immerse herself in the field of Social Sciences, obtaining the degree of Social Psychologist in 2005. Her contact with that formation drives her to a committed task from the Philosophical, the Ideological and its consequent Aesthetic-Visual externalization, from there she composes a series of works that raise the human essence and its conflict, the relations of Power, the status of femininity and Masculinity as axes of the basic human bond, assuming the inherent complexity of the human couple, and interpretatively evoking images that describe a personal and or universal universe. She works plastically on everything that society impregnates in her being and investi-gates the crossings that daily life imprints on the existence of otherness.
-First individual exhibition -Entre Vías - Haedo City - Buenos Aires
-Founded La Esquina Del Arte in the town of Castelar where he works from Psychology as es-sentially applied art, and encourages groups to gain voice. In 2017 he moved to Barcelona with his family where he currently resides.
-In the month of October 2019 she participates in the International Exhibition - Women and Peace.
-At the headquarters of Palazzo Fruscione Salerno City - Italy - as well as on December 14 at the Exhibition Gallery Buurt Kamer Zeeburger-elland- Holland City, with the same work whose theme is linked to the multiplicity of qualities intrinsic to womanhood.
-In the year 2020 September participates in the collective and individual exhibition in Pescara, Italy.
-During 2021 - Cuore di Donna International Award- In the city of Rome. –
-Great Honor Artist.
-Driven by a fervent expressive motivation always crossed by the theme of the human condition in time, she expresses through her work the violated freedom, as an epochal bias of historical roots but even more current. October 2021 in the Collective Exhibition in the city of Paris-France, Galerie Arts - Paris - Carrousel Du Louvre - La Vie in Rose -Rué Frederick Sauton 75005, with her work - Liberty mut
-Imbued with the constant confrontation with situations of high degree of sensitization and so-cial burden participates in the International Collective Exhibition in December 2022 in the city of Malaga - Spain-Piaf Gallery. As well as in the Espacio Imaginart Barcelona City.
-City of Sabadell Collective exhibition in progress. The totality of his work shows a chromatic in-tensity and a formal interplay with superimpositions and symbolic elements and a vibrant and saturated palette, his figurations reiterate an acid and scrutinizing component.
-Finally, his rebellious and questioning character, his spirit of resistance give birth to his last work - Strength 20-21 - whose motivation extends the thematic axis, the common thread of vul-nerate freedom, with a current nuance and with a radical change in the plastic elements used so far, his palette darkens, and the sharpness of the message is refined.
-MADS ART GALLERY Exhibition – Milan/Fuerteventura

Artist Statement:
Art is that act that involves the being from the most intimate and primary, towards the most sublime and transcendent, it exceeds the self, transgresses all the drawn horizons, and spreads its wings to undertake with the spectator the same flight. It is perhaps the most wonderful jour-ney that can be undertaken with a starting point and a point of arrival right there in the soul of the other where artist and spectator are transformed into a magical communion.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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