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La chimica delle aurore



Title: La chimica delle aurore
Year Completed: 2021
Size: 72x61cm
Technical: enamel and lacquer on masonite

This work is the visual representation of what Capitanio calls Cromomorfismo: “Today we live in complex and in some ways very difficult times. Contemporary society is increasingly dominated by wild communication and massification, by rampant consumerism and easy careerism which, with the passage of time, have determined a worrying cultural disinformation offering more and more space, and therefore power, to mediocrity. A reality so composed and conceived naturally tends to exclude and to feel as "foreign bodies" all those, and there are still many, who are bearers of ideals and convictions, of creativity and renewal. From this premise and from these reflections, Cromomorphism is born and comes to life, an artistic and cultural movement that understands artistic expression as a great and irreplaceable heritage aimed at man understood in its deepest essence and globality and therefore as a spiritual entity, a precious treasure chest of dreams, emotions and feelings…”

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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