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Nahla Issa



Nahla Issa is a self-taught emerging artist living in Wellington, New Zealand. Nahla discovered her passion for painting in September 2021. She used different online resources to develop her skills and learn more about the magic of colors. She is mainly creating original abstract painting using two mediums: oil and acrylic. However, she aspires to broaden her skills in order to have more freedom of expression through her artwork. Nahla recently started exhibiting her work locally and now she is sharing her artwork internationally. She is an artist at Wellington Art Club and Vincents Art Workshop in Wellington.
Nahla holds a PHD in health sciences from Laval University, Quebec; however, her passion for arts led her to photography during her college years. She has been an amateur photographer for 13 years and participated in several university exhibitions. For Nahla, photography is a way to express herself rather than simply a tool to capture the beauty around her. Her photos remain a big source of inspiration for her paintings.
As a self-taught artist, she does not necessarily follow traditional guidelines in her painting process but rather follows her instinct of what feels right at a given moment. The choice of colors combined with specific brush strokes helps her to create a certain mood or feeling that she aspires to convey through her artwork. She gives titles to her artwork to reflect her own artistic vision, however, the audience is free to fashion his own interpretation. As Nahla states, “art for me is an interpretation of what we experience in our lives, and this is unique to each one of us”.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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