Mona Schafitel
“Born in Augsburg, Germany, I first studied art didactics there, then moved to Paris to learn trompe l’oeil and mural painting, graduating from the Institut Supérieur de Peinture Décorative. At the beginning of my artistic career I painted mainly representational and figurative, although often symbolised, mostly with emulsion paints on paper/cardboard. In Paris I increasingly began to paint with acrylic and oil. Influenced by the training in illusion painting, my pictures developed more naturalistically. At the same time I remained true to my ‘fantasy’ painting. This ex-presses in my paintings mental states, the unconscious as well as a mystical-spiritual dimension. I also became increasingly interested in faces and their expressiveness. As a result of my studies in Paris, I created many wall paintings - both illusion paintings and completely non-representational colour surfaces. Painting on large walls eventually led me more and more to pure, formless colouring and the effect of colour itself, which I felt particularly strongly through working on large surfaces. This experience moved me to my last studies at the Free Academy in Munich, where I dived deeply into the psychological aspects and backgrounds in connection with artistic creation. Abstract form and colour became of decisive interest to me. In 2017 I also began to deal intensively with the environment and nature. I therefore initiated and curated the artistic environmental exhibition ARTLAND in 2018 and 2019 with the participation of other artists from various fields Currently I am working together with the artist Sascha Kempter on the realization of an installation for the Corona Memo-rial Day of the city of Augsburg, which awarded us the 1st prize for our artistic concept. As painter I work mainly with pigments and acrylics on canvas in present, also in combination with oil paints, ink and various materials. The experimentation and amazement of the diverse possibilities of design as well as the question of their supra-personal meaning have become an important drive for my artistic activity. I currently live and work in Augsburg, Germany.”