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Caroline Svennerstedt



Caroline Svennerstedt (1982) is an artist from Sweden. When finishing school, she at-tended art school for three years and then continued to London to study architecture. She finished her Master of Arts in Architecture in 2011 and has worked as an architect since. Her art was put on hold and after not having painted for several years she has now started again and is exploring acrylic and watercolour as her medium. “I want to make people happy with vibrant colours and vivid shapes. In my acrylic paintings I am starting from an abstract background and then, step by step I build it up, adding more details by every layer. I call it
” Abstract Nature”. Nature in general is my main inspiration. Flowers, leaves and various patterns. I capture them in my mind to use in my paintings. But the final motif doesn’t have to be nature, it depends on what the abstract background tells me in the beginning of the process. My watercolour paintings are mostly portraits. I start by drawing the out-lines in ink. I like quirky lines and I sometimes even draw with my non dominant hand to enhance the unperfect and let go of my perfectionism. With ink there is no return and it is a liberating feeling. When then adding watercolour to it, it comes to live and becomes perfect in its own way.”


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