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Lilli Kirschmann



My name is Lilli, I’m 32 years old and self-taught painter based in Southwest Germany. I was born in the former Sowjetunion (Kazakhstan) and immigrated to Germany when I was just two years old. I studied Print&Publishing and made my Master of Science in this field.
I started to draw and paint as hobby when I was in primary school and painted my first acrylic artwork at the age of 16. When I started working full time as an office worker at thr age of 26 I realized how much I needed my own created world. It also kept me sane and hopeful during lockdown. It is a bles-sing that I can paint my own dreams to make my home a happy place.

Artistic Statement:
It is my artistic goal to bring colours into everyone’s life. To brighten everyone’s day with vibrant and colourful paintings. I hope people get a smile on their face - even when it’s just for seconds - when they look at my artworks. I always enjoyed to paint flowers, landscapes and birds. They are all sym-bols of happiness, beauty, love, freedom, hope and relaxation. And especially spring, which I dedicate a lot of artworks to, represents this even stronger. Everyone wants to go outside with their loved ones, listen to the birds singing and enjoy how nature awakens and blossoms. A pure feeling of freedom and lightness.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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