Guðrún Steinþórsdóttir
Guðrún is an Icelandic artist, born and raised in Reyjavík. She is born to a family of renowned artists, all respected in the Icelandic art community, and therefore she has had inspiring role models from an early age. As a child she followed her father´s artwork with interest, his drawing and his painting. Sitting in his lap with a paintbrush as a young girl inspired her to become an artist herself. Her mind is very much in tune with creation, nature, perspective and colour. Water colouring is the technique of her choice, an artform that fascinates her. To her it is a way to ex-press the inspiration she takes from the extraordinary Icelandic nature. She has studied various forms of art creation, such as model drawing, watercolouring, oil painting and charcoal drawing to name a few. Her instructors include artists such as Derek Mundell, Keith Hornblower, Ann Larson Dahlin, Lene Gemzöe and Þorgrímur Andri Einarsson. Exhibitions
2021: Gallerý Grásteinn, Skólavörðustígur, Samsýning vatnslitahópsins Flæði
2021: Gallerý Grótta, Seltjarnarnes, 3. Samsýning Vatnslitafélag Íslands
2020: Skúmaskot 2. Samsýning vatnslitahópsins Flæði 2020: Art 67, Laugavegur, Litka Myndlistarfélag
2020: Safnhús Borgarness, 1. Samsýning vatnslitahópsins Flæði
2019: Gallerý Göng, Reykjavík, 1. Sýning Vatnslitafélags Íslands
2019: Gallerý Göng, Reykjavík, Litka Myndlistarfélag
2019: Listhús Ófeigs, Skólavörðustígur, Litka Myndlistarfélag
2018: Art 67, Laugavegur, Litka Myndlistarfélag
2018: Einarsstofa, Safnahús Vestmannaeyja, Litka Myndlistarfélag
2018: Menningarhúsið Spönginni, Litka Myndlistarfélag
Artist Statement:
“When I paint I feel connected to nature. It’s colours and forms inspire me every day”