Fabi lives and works in Apulia, Italy. Characterized by a multifaceted personality and interests ranging from science to art, the artist finds her mean of communication in abstract language.
Following the call of art, discovering the passion of free expression, the artist sublimates her vision by mixing colors on the canvas through different means, giving her personal and intimate vision of places relegated to her own personal imagination.
Fabi focuses on colors and titles to create an adventure that reflects the most intimate part of the view-er. Color can create an immediate link with the interiority of the potential spectator to stimulate reflec-tive thoughts, without filters.
Current themes, inner thoughts, clichés, hopes, fears, inner struggles, are presented; everything that inspired the artist in the moment of creation and that she can now transfer. Conscious movements blend colors in a unique way each time, letting them intertwine on the canvas.
Art as mirror of mind, through colors to emotions.