Contentment - 52 mother of one
" love my body " - what does this mean? No two people have the same concept on what is perfect for them. Loving our own uniqueness might be the greatest life challenge we as humans experience. I was a chubby child, and my love/hate relationship with myself was very real to me. 4 years ago I started a fitness journey. In this process I learned to love me. My genes are perfect for body-building and the workout thrills me. At age 16, I was diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis and Scoliosis. These diagnose confirmed my desire not to have children of my own. I love children, but I do not want to be a mother. The responsibility of taking care of such a treasure overwhelms me with anxiety. I was born to be an artist to pour all of myself in the creating process. The greatest challenge in this quest of loving me for me .... Is for others to accept me for me. Dearest young Mom, I celebrate your brave heart to carry a child for nine months. I celebrate your journey of change, pain and joy. The challenge to love yourself again when your body changes through pregnancy. Your life sacrifices of time, effort and putting a new life first, does not go unnoticed. May you love your body again in this new roll as a mother. I will be there cheering you on. Contentment - 52 mother of one Size: 29.5x 21 Medium: graphite on grey paper Year: 2021 Artist: Zoë Els Tsomondo