Title: GHOST
Year: January 2020 - June 2021
Size: 50 cm x 60 cm x 4 cm
Technique: Acrylic on Canvas
When I started to paint this piece in January 2020 I was at a point of my life that seems to be a moving point in a loop. Every time when I passed this point in a cycle I got this feeling. A feeling of dissatisfaction, weirdness, hunting for more, the better mood.
Understand me right. Not the money, not the acceptance or the fame was a driver - not in this box. And so looking for leaving this loop, feeling like a Ghost who is looking for redemption, I put blue, red, black and grey on this canvas. The ground was born and the painting faded away in the loop for another one and half year. Now in June 2021 after a hard period of mental work I took this painting and put to the ground my heartstrings. All of my fears, disappointments, angers but also my hope were leaving my mind - like a ghost who gets redemption. That’s the story beyond.