Modern Renaissance man
Title: Modern Renaissance man
Year Completed: 2010
Size: 100cm/100CM
Technical: oil on Canvas
After reading the biography of Da Vinci and recognizing how versatile he was in that he was always curious and about human beings and the world. I decided to paint a modern version of the renaissance man who is constantly experimenting and moving between the field of science and art. The technique he is expressionism from the early 20th century. In the “modern renaissance man” Francis tries to depict Leonardo Da Vinci in the 20th cen-tury in a using a expressionist style of painting. The painting shows how a renaissance man lives in the two worlds of science/experimentation and the world of art/spiritual. The renaissance man sees the harmony and connection between everything. This is displayed in the colours Francis has chosen to describe living in his own world but realizing how everything is connected. Francis “Modern Renaissance man” encourages us to see the timeless beauty and unity found in both the artistry and science of our existence. While the “Vitruvian world “ illuminates our responsibility as custodians of the earth, highlight-ing the need to maintain harmony with the natural world.