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Alexandra Laura Stanca

Alexandra Laura Stanca



Alexandra Laura Stanca Alexandra Laura Stanca was born on 9 Jul 1985 in Timisoara. She studied architecture in high school, a licensed degree in landscape architecture, and she has a master's degree in painting. Besides studying, she is a dancer and gets a license to teach modern dance. She is a children's magnet, they love her. She practices landscape architecture and teaches dance in her local community. In her home studio, she is free to create her choreographed colors. These works represent her in many forms, not only in the physical aspect but also at the energetic level. Her presence can be seen in the fragility of the lines, in the colors that she uses, in the power of the stroke and in the elements. She transmits her emotions through the negligence of the shape and the light of the expression of femineity. Exhibitions: 2015. “ R ight leg foreword “ in Timisoara, at the 45 anniversary of her dance crew- with choreographed themes, with Serbian painter and dancer Daniel Susa 2016 “ R ight leg foreword ” in Uzdin Serbia, choreographed themes, with Serbian painter Daniel Susa 2016 “ threes and colors ” at a bonsai exhibition Timisoara 2017 solo expo “ Flowers and colors ” in Drobeta Turnul Severin Romania 2020 solo “ Green ” in Timisoara


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