Ashley Chase Ferguson
Ashley Chase Ferguson's paintings are both of the intuitive and expressive nature. She creates landscapes, abstracts and portraits that are all loosely painted. This gives her an innate sense of personal freedom. While the subjects may differ, the process does not. Ferguson uses a range of materials in both her drawings and paintings such as pastels, acrylic paints, pencils or Charcoal. She sometimes creates mixed media pieces that use such materials as gemstones, modeling paste or even mirrors.
Ferguson lives and works in Wilmington, N.C. She earned her B.A. in Fine Arts (Guilford College, N.C.) She continues to travel internationally to take instructor led classes in various countries throughout the world such as Italy, Greece and Japan. Ferguson has also worked on art and design commissions for both commercial and private projects. She has displayed her artwork at the Jailhouse Gallery (Morganton, N.C.), the Marshall Gallery (Greensboro, N.C.), and virtually displayed at the Luna Grande Cafe (Istanbul, Turkey). She has also had a poster of one her paintings showed in Madrid, Spain at a train Station with other artists displaying their art there too. This exhibition was sponsored Contemporary Art Station. Ferguson was also chosen to participate in a virtual art exhibition at the Tokyo Tower Art Fair with Contemporary Art Collectors. Ferguson was nominated as one of the "Rising Stars" with She continues to paint, believing that producing her art is an intrinsic part of Ferguson's personality and self, always making her feel whole inside.