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RIDING FREE LGBTI. STOP HOMOPHOBIA CREATION DATE…………………………………………………………………..…..14/2020 (12/04/2020) SIZES (WIDTH X HEIGHT) …………………………………………………………..50,5 CM diameter WITH FRAME / WITHOUT FRAME………………………………………………WITH FRAME 2D / 3D……………………………………………………………………………………… 3D MATERIALS: BICYCLE WHEEL, PLASTIC, TIN ,COLLAGE,COPPER,WOOD. VALUE………………………………………………………………………………………..590€ TECHNICAL DETAILS: Sexual freedom, human rights and gender equality. The revolution of groups such as LGBTI in defense of the right to decide on people's sexuality and social acceptance in all aspects and fields against homophobia. Transgressive characters of different decades that are now historical references. Francoism and nacisme,the punishment and persecution to death to eradicate sexual diversity against conversion terapies VW Bus: symbolizes the awakening of the Hippie era/culture,the journey of life,The adventure of living and enjoying life. 1st.-Trans.-Lily Elbe 1882 1st..-Dragqueen.-William Dorsey 1880 Comments: SOS!!! THERE ARE STILL (2020) COUNTRIES WITH THE HARSHNESS OF HOMOPHOBIC PERSECUTION. Artist: Àlex Mañé Montané

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