Mona Dörr
I’m an artist based in Germany; I express my feelings and emotions through abstract paintings and color compositions, which are powerful, straight and moody. All my work is created in the evening/night when my kids are sleeping. My inspiration is mostly the nature and especially the nature in my home town. I love living here at the Lake Constance, but it has also its downsides. In summer there is always the possibility to cool off. Just jump into the lake. And also the view over the lake is beautiful. The sunrises and sunsets are some-times really breathtaking. But there is also a lot of fog. Especially in autumn and winter there are days you get out of bed with fog and go to bed with fog. So its kind of love-hate relationship; and it is this kind of love-hate relationship I have tried to show in my work. I mainly use colours to reflect my love to this place (green for the forest, blue for the lake and red for the sunset), while the black reflects the „hate“ part of my love-hate relation-ship to my home and its mistiness and triste time of the year.