Eirma by Eirine
Handicraft Artist
Eirine is a contemporary collage artist based in London. Born in Greece (Athens), raised in Cape Maleas and lived in Italy and Hong Kong. Her art journey begins as an exploration while fighting through her own Scylla and Charibdis. She graduated from the law school and became a qualified lawyer. In 2022, she took art courses in London (Central Saint Martins – UAL and Slade School of Arts – UCL). She is a member of The International Collage Guild. EirMA < Greek: εἱρμός < εἴρω (train of thought, connect) Eirma by Eirine is a <being> aiming to bring out what we all hide in the surreal membrane of our cosmos as an ultimate goal of bridging subconsciousness with reality. Her influences stem from the social paradoxes of the modern society, the geometric dilemmas, the symbolism of a distorted train of thought which leads to emotions from in to out, the dynamic link between humans and animals – wild instincts exist in the paganism and animism traditions. Magazines and glue cement her obsession of shaping saturated coloured concepts. Dive in and take a journey from genesis to metamorphosis with EirMA.