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Cheryl-Ann Eamilao



Cheryl-Ann Eamilao (1986 Vienna, with Filipino roots) has studied fashion design and medical masseur. She has not got an art degree, so she is a self-thought abstract artist. Cheryl-Ann found passion in painting in 2020, but creativity has always been a part of her life: “painting nourish me and gives me energy. I found my voice through art. Expressing my emotions and deepest thoughts artistically helps me to heal from struggles that life cost.”, she says.

“As a self-thought abstract artist I paint intuitively, never planned. Expressing myself, my ener-gy, my emotions and thoughts gives me calmness. My main source of inspiration are life events, emotions, people, culture, nature, books and everything I find beauty in it. Each painting is a composite piece with a lot of layers of acrylic and metallic acrylic. I am fascinated by metallic colors that give the artwork a shiny look. I am using a lot of gold in my paintings. For me the gold represent the preciousness of life and the worthiness of human beings.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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