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Aldona Stępień



Aldona Stępień was born in 1976 in Poland. She studied at the University of Technology in Szcze-cin, where she obtained a diploma in Architecture in 2001. She paints abstract pictures, con-stantly looking for her own artistic expression. In this way, she records her feelings, thoughts, sit-uations, and moments. She creates images inspired by nature and emotions. She opens up to ideas coming from intuition while maintaining her own individuality. This is the way and place that allows her to find harmony and fulfillment. As a small child, she liked to create various types of lines and colors on cards and find interesting forms in them. It leaves room for any interpretation and reflection on the composition of the pictures.

"Some painters, including myself, do not care what chair they are sitting on. It does not even have to be a comfortable one. They are too nervous to find out where they taught to sit. They do not want to “sit in style.” Rather, they have found that painting—any kind of painting, any style of painting—to be painting at all, in fact—is a way of living today, a style of living, so to speak. That is where the form of it lies. It is exactly in its uselessness that it is free. Those artists do not want to conform. They only want to be inspired.” - Willem de Kooning


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