Hiding behind a living mask
Title: Hiding behind a living mask
Year: 2019
Size: 70 x 90 cm.
Technique: Acrylic colours on canvas.
If you look closely, you can see a hand holding a mask next to a face, I have painted it to illustrate that many people today are as I call hiding behind a living mask because they are afraid of being humiliated, rejected, alone and lonely. I have painted the face and mask behind the abstract because I don't like it that you can't be allowed to be who you are and show your human feelings, fragility and vulnerability, but appear as a perfect person for them to like you, they might not be themself either, because you are surrounded by selfish and evil people who do not possess it to be loving. The painting shows a lot of lines, dots and patterns that I have been inspired by Tribal Art (Native American, African and Aboriginals), which in my world is beautiful art that is done in a good sense. All the little hearts I have painted is because it´s a sign of love between people, that possessing being sweet and loving is an important signal that we do not have to be ridiculed and live behind a living mask, but live in peace between people. The key words that one can glimpse in arbitrary places are about life, people, desires and dreams of a more peaceful, loving and harmonious world, a desire that idiots who want to determine and inflict pain on other people, who are selfish and evil who do not wish others well will swim out and drown themselves in the deep black sea in favour of the sweet and loving people who want to do good and prioritize the earth, humans and animals important.
I have done this painting and call it hiding behind a living mask because many people are not allowed to show their feelings, fragility and vulnerability but wear a mask that shows you as strong, confident, talkative, funny and happy when you are with people, like those you are with maybe also hiding behind. It is hard in the long run if you are never yourself, it can in the worst case develop into a severe depression, where you think about committing suicide and it will be difficult and hard to get from a depression to find yourself again. You hide behind a living mask so as not to be humiliated and rejected, inside you are in fact scared and sad because the people you are with are selfish and like to be mean, cold and cynical towards you, but you don't in your world you want others well and you do not understand why they are so evil. You'd rather not be out of those people because you're afraid to break up with them because you don't want to be alone and feel lonely which requires you to find lots of courage to go out and connect with other people that you want to fit in better with. You hide behind a living mask to be like them, so that they like you and want to be with you, so that you do not experience being humiliated by those who do not possess the act of being loving, the people lie and say they are, so that they not appear as bad people but on an equal footing with the loving people. It is hard and a struggle for many people to be in the public space, if you have not developed strength inside and have to appear as someone, you may live with pain and psychological challenges inside that you have received from childhood or have met on your way in life the so-called selfish and evil people, who do not possess being loving and do not want you well, you are not yourself anymore, you now face a great challenge in having to heal yourself again before you can begin and figure out how to develop strength inside so that you can commit yourself among these disgusting people and live your life without having to hide behind a living mask but live honestly as who you are. Unfortunately, we live in a modern age where being a human is replaced by the perfect human being, they prioritize strength and hard work more importantly, the people who created the system are idiotic, selfish and strong men who will decide, the strong aspect has now today unfortunately been put on a pedestal over being sweet and loving which in my world is more important to the planet, people and animals in order for one to feel good and live as free people in peace, love and harmony from the time one is born until one dies without being exposed to evil and absolutely having to hide behind a living mask so as not to be humiliated by these people.