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Sylvie Dinh

Sylvie Dinh



Sylvie Dinh. (alias Sylvie Besson, the name of my family grandmother)
From a scientific background, I started to paint very recently supported by a French artist painter Hélène Szumanski.
Painting was born from a desire for introspection, a need for self expression and a fascination with colors and materials. My painting is spontaneous, the colors are thrown on the canvas, the gesture is fast, I do not know what will emerge from the canvas.
Looking at an abstract painting is a wandering of the imagination, a perception, an image, arises that echoes memories, the scent of a past time. I like the raw materials, the wild energies, which invite all the emotions.
Painting is intuitive, unpretentious, a space of freedom of the mind, it brings me joy, energy, it can also be painful. I discover it each time trying to seize the secret of a message.
Painting is a quest for self, its expression can be different from one canvas to another. Painting is my means of expression beyond any word I can express, it is a liberation.


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