Hanna Hromova
Hanna Hromova was born in Donetsk, on June 1st, 1993. She started to draw from an ear-ly age on the walls of her home. At the age of 4 she created the first series of works, these are comic drawings of dinosaurs, for which a whole packet of paper was used and which are still preserved in the family archive. After this, she painted anytime, anywhere. The first teachers of art education were for her point of reference in her initial approach to Art, having been then directed towards a path of study away from the art of drawing, she will bring with her the formative baggage of her first years of artistic studies in school.
In 2011 she got a degree at the Makeevka Politecnik College, where she studied metal construction science and technology, she’s only paint during her free time.
First ink drawings of China exhibited on the board of the College. And begins to paint the first watercolors. Hanna thought seriously about the profession of artist after seeing the animated film "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind" by Hayao Miyazaki. The work of this great animator, his incredible worlds and characters, his technique and his message in-spire her even now.
"I do not dream of becoming a great artist like the old masters, but for now I just want to transfer on canvas those immense universes that are stored inside me. And if I’m even a bit like someone else, I’ll be immensely happy... "- says Hanna.
For this reason her artistic soul brought her to enter the Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture faculty of Architecture and Design, where she deep-ens her passion by studying History of Art and Architecture , descriptive geometry, de-sign, drawing, painting, sculpture, restoration. She learned the pictorial techniques that are the basis of her artistic expression.
Her artistic training took place thanks to the teachings of the professor : Master painter Dereza A.F. and Grigoriev G.F.
All her paintings are made with different techniques and genres, this is due not only to the search for her own style, but also to the antipathy of the artist for constancy and mo-notony. Now she lives in Naples and in search of new stimuli and her own style that lead her to experiment with new techniques in her canvases.
"I’m trying to discover the extraordinary in the ordinary. I’m against reality, I’m for magic!" - says Hanna.
-Galleria Dantebus Margutta - Roma.
-Galleria Effeto Arte - Palermo.
Published articles:
-Journal: Young Scientist No. 20 (258), maggio 2019, titolo dell'articolo "La percezione del colore degli oggetti di architettura industriale"
-Journal: Problemi socio-economici e ambientali dell'industria mineraria, edilizia ed ener-getica / - Tula, 2018 titolo dell'articolo "L'impatto dell'impianto di trasformazione dei RSU sul quadro ecologico della città".