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René de la Puente Hey

René de la Puente Hey



René de la Puente Hey, Chilean artist, belonging to the Rapa Nui indigenous people (Easter Island), has represented his people in the various professional activities he has developed, be-coming Governor of Easter Island, which strengthened his ties with his origins, understanding the value of caring for his ancestral cultural heritage. Because of this, he returned to his art, brushes, canvases and paints, to capture the passion for the sea as a central element of his work. The sea has been the link that identifies each work, since for the Rapa Nui people it is the essence of life, it is the connection with the rest of the world, it is the source of food and work, and it is the inspiration for the different artistic expressions that identify the Rapa Nui people. From a very young age he had the ability to draw and paint, mainly with watercolors. What he began to develop as a hobby that he shared with his family, later became his passion and pro-fession. René de la Puente uses mainly acrylics and oils on canvas, although he also works on paper, using charcoal, pastel, acrylic and watercolor; and on glass and wood, applying different techniques. His love for the sea led him to explore another mythical Chilean island: Chiloé. A place full of magic and legends, beautiful handicrafts, rich customs and impressive landscapes always linked to the sea, it captivated him, becoming his second home and integrating the col-lective of artisans and artists "Decocalen" in the town of Dalcahue, where his works are exhibit-ed permanently. Currently, he is preparing the exhibition "Islas de mis Amores" (My beloved Islands) which seeks to connect two very different cultures, but also similar because of their inti-mate relationship with the sea, their deep-rooted traditions and the cultural contribution that both peoples, rapanuis and chilotes, can deliver to their visitors.

For me, painting is an expression of freedom, a possibility to present different worlds and reali-ties that facilitate the cultural encounter between peoples and the understanding of the value of the diversity that can present both the sea, in its different perspectives, and the peoples that have developed in close relationship with it. I love the colors of the sea water, its brightness on a sunny day, the deep gray on a cloudy day, the transparency when it is calm, the force of nature during a storm, the wet sand of the beaches, the stones that accentuate its colors and the large rocks that resist its strength and the tenacity and courage of the people who make the sea their life. Every moment is an inspiration for my art.


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