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Annette Elizabeth Sykes



Born in Northamptonshire, England, of a Mother who specialised in hand made luxury silk lingerie, pattern making and cutting, and a Father who was a college lecturer, Annettes’ childhood was full of colour, cloth and education.
Her Grandfathers were Master Carpenter/Decorator and Head Gardener, hands on and flowers!
She bucked against it all, and after leaving her girls school with 3 ‘A’levels, soon. married, had two boys and taught yoga for the next 20 or so years.
Eventually she returned to college to study Textile Design and Embroidery where during her se-cond year she re-discovered printmaking. A love hate relationship began - Artist or Printmaker? Still attempting to be something she was not.
Lately the lock downs during the pandemic have given her time to pause for thought and finally she is embracing who she really is, and the result is this series of prints and mixed media works, cele-brating dresses, flowers and colour in a modern take on linocut with embossing and machine em-broidery combined with acrylics.

Major Exhibitions include: Cambridge Original Printmakers Biennale 2016
FPS Open, Fitzrovia Gallery, London 2016
50 Years of Artists Prints, Bankside Gallery 2015
Solo show, JGallery, Moulton, Northants 2014
Cork Street Open, London - twice - 2013/2012
SWLA, The Mall, 2012 and 2009
Printmakers Council, Bankside Gallery, London 2011

Collections: Her work is in the Victoria and Albert Museum, Scarborough Museum and in private collections in England, Scotland, Orkney, South Africa, USA, Canada, Japan, Thailand and Pana-ma.

Publications: Her work is in many publications including, Norfolk Gems, 50 Years of Artists Prints, International Contemporary Artists - Vol XI, and Art of Poetry by Obsidian Gallery, two volumes; amongst others.

Currently she is showing in the Contemporary Art Station Virtual Summer Show, running until 15th September.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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