Tamara Andjus
It all begins in her childhood, having shown talent at an early age. Her first exhibition was at the young age of 4, where she won a State competition. Having her craft mastered at Art school, her love and devotion to art stayed till this day even though she has chosen a different path in life. She went on to study at Law School where she got her Masters degree and worked in the High Court in Novi Sad, Serbia for a few years. Throughout her time working in Law, her passion for painting and creating beautiful, colourful, live emotions never disappeared. After moving to Zü-rich, Switzerland she devoted herself to her family who gave her a new meaning of fulfilment and happiness. This period, had awakened her long term desire of making art again, therefore, it was like her love affair had never ended. Andjus creates abstract impressionist style paintings with great attention to light and rich colour palettes. Her work is defined by energised brushstrokes and multi-layered method. She uses acrylic and oil on canvas and is inspired by movement and dynamics of everyday life. Her main focus are animals, landscapes and people.. She tends to capture a particular mood and atmosphere creating a feeling of excitement for the observer tickling their imagination for different interpretation.
Art to me is a way to express myself. I love to create art that comes alive and makes you not only feel but makes you think too. As an artist I like to experiment with different techniques and mediums, finding out new ways of displaying my emotions on canvas. Personally, I enjoy painting motives in motion, energetic and alive. That is why animals, people and nature are mostly my inspiration.