Title: TheSaltyBoundsOfHermes
Year: 2022
Size:5400 x 7200 px
Technique: digital art
This piece is a digital creation.
It is constructed with 5 digital elements / photos. Each one taken at different times over a period of years since 1997. All non related but combined tell a story.
1st layer: Ass pattern
This image was produced around 1997. Sitting on a photo copier naked. Then the photocopy was scanned and digitized to become a simple, abstract pattern.
2nd layer: the brain
On a journey to the meat area of the Tel Aviv shuk, I grabbed a rather intense photo of brains. I knew it would be of use at some point.
3rd layer: the delivery guy
Food Delivery guy. A delivery guy dropped off some take out near our house. I caught him from behind, in the moment he dismounted his motor bike and grabbed a great shot.
4th layer: self
Self portrait of myself.
5th layer:
Marcellus as Hermes logios. Statue
Text overlay:
The text used was a paragraph of writing I made specifically for the piece. I decided to use the cut-up Dadaist technique and through some web software rearranged the text. I wanted to try a method used by David Bowie and William Burroughs. This was then overpaid on the statute.
All the images were put together in photoshop and given different treatments to produce a raw, and vibrant piece of collage.
This piece is about the carnal actions and urges that come from that other brain, the stomach. It’s about the deep desires, impulses, lusts and yearnings that give us satisfaction, mentally and physically on a somewhat, animal level and that come from within.
The piece explores specifically the instinctual urges that a man (gay man) has, and where these urges come from. It’s not about the intellect, but about a primal urge. It’s about fulfilling an often “historically” forbidden desire, about conquest of the mind, and of the body. Its about a journey, a journey whereby for a moment in time you experience euphoria. Unlike love, it’s a momentary gratification.
The red symbolises the colour of lust, conquest and exhilaration. The blue, though sparse and light, reflects the momentary euphoria, and feeling of reaching heaven.
The vibrancy of the piece should excite and entice you into it. It’s a piece to be explored and I’m sure people will understand it from many angles.
Hermes was added by coincidence, I liked his stance visually for the piece. On researching more about Hermes, and whilst being in Crete, I discovered some interesting facts about the mythology that connect to the piece perfectly. And in the mountains here is an alter for him at the village of Kato Simi.