Svetlana Evdokimova
My first artistic works were sculptures made from tempered metal. After, I’ve finished British High School of Design, class of contemporary ceramics. Where in my final project I made first attempts in finding a companion for tempered metal wire - porcelain. But I was not fully satisfied by the result and after a long search I’ve found the perfect duet: glass and metal, which are like Yin and Yang for me. I treat each material as a person. For harmony, 80% of one gender and 20% of the opposite are necessary. In my works, steel is dominantly masculine: brutal, uncompromising, black, rough, causing a sense of stability, confidence. Contrary, his graphics add a sense of femininity. Murano glass, on the opposite, is dominantly feminine: transparent, luminous, plastic in a flame. But a drop of glass, when cooling, acquires a perfect solid shape — male beginning. As a result, the combination of glass and steel expresses in passion dance.
Artistic statement
Inevitably, sacrifice leads to a pain which strapped the loving heart.