Lorraine Wiseman
What if our daily outdoor spaces could be viewed in colours that humans cannot visualise, but other species can. Would we treasure our environments more? Lorraine Wiseman is a Colourist Artist based in Pembrokeshire, West Wales, UK. She takes her inspirations from the coastal and woodland areas that surround her regardless of if the view is nature or built. She tries to inspire others to take a closer look at the colours surrounding us instead of what we take for granted in the hope of supporting our local environments.
She uses Acrylic, Oils and Oil bar as her mediums and closely intimidates the colour wheel to push and pull the colours within her works. Her style can be abstract but also illustrative yet enhances scenes into a colour explosion. Inspired by Edvard Munch and Vincent Van Gogh, she captures elements of their styles but also introduces modern techniques to add interest.