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Lies Apon



Hello I'm Lies Apon, I live and work in Gouda in the Netherlands
Since I was young, I was fascinated by the art of painting. I was inspired by my father who painted a lot during his life.
When I was a little girl, if I was quiet, I was allowed to sit next to him and watch him paint. From early childhood I wanted to go to the Academy of Art. Unfortunately, my parents didn’t think I would be able to earn a living with this study. Then I started at the hairdressing Academy so I could still use my creativity.
I had the need to express myself.

Only around the age of 30 I started with water-colour painting. I did this for 10 years with a lot of success and gave expositions, until I got stuck because I no longer found satisfaction in my style of working.

I moved to France where I lived and worked for seven years. During this period, I discovered I had many more talents. My creativity blossomed again as soon as I started with sculpting and modeling.

Once back in the Netherlands, for a long period I did nothing with my creativity skills. I discovered a spiritual side in me and the gift and talent have I used in my practice to help other people. I did this for years and this has widened my consciousness. But I was still looking for a new form of painting. I had this urgent need to start again because it is part of who I am, it’s my life.

And finally end 2020 a beautiful and interesting study crossed my path. Intuitive, abstract, portrait painting at an online Academy.

Painting women from what I feel intuitively, imperfections and Authenticity. This form of painting enchants me enormously and fills me with joy. I do not know these women, they come alive on my canvas from my subconscious.
Starting with a sketch a portrait grows, entirely on intuition and feeling. Sometimes soft, of with different emotion and full of colors.

I use different techniques such as charcoal, acrylic, oil paint, mix-media, acrylic pens, and chalk.
As well as on linen canvas, linen paper and cardboard.

The purpose is to touch people with my intuitive portraits. That they might recognize themselves or something in an emotion, expression, or color.


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M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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