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Birke Dedig



I am Birke Dedig, a self taught Namibian artist, passionate about my family, art, people, nature & being true to myself. For me art is an expression of my innermost being. Of my emotions and feelings. Of things, people and places that inspire me. Of relationships. Of memories and experiences. I paint feelings, not things. When I paint, I don’t see anything in my minds‘ eye, I simply just transfer everything that’s inside me at that specific moment onto the canvas. Combining the colors, textures and shapes until I feel absolute tranquility. Then I know the painting is complete. Any form of art will make your soul move, change and grow! For me the most satisfying and rewarding thing about abstract art is that it goes straight to the core of your soul, revealing and exposing tucked away emotions, unresolved issues or hurts, character flaws, dreams and passions and then heals you from the inside out. Art gifts you with renewed focus, inspiration and energy. It restores, feeds and grows the soul! I only paint when I feel inspired, so each artwork is a true original. It is a reflection of my innermost being at that specific moment. Being a very private person, it took me years to reach the point of sharing my work publicly. But - oh wow - it is so liberating “to share who you truly are” I sincerely hope that my art is an inspiration to you.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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