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Aliénor Bereder



I started my painting career in 2003, aged 3, with lovely frescoes on the very bland white painting job that had just been done in my parents’ house. Needless to say, my parents weren’t very impressed or sensitive to my artistic side back then. I am freshly graduated from a school of photography (« SPEOS », in Paris), after having followed various trainings in music, photography and philosophy in different højskoles (Folk High Schools) in Den-mark. I do abstract and figurative paintings, my photographs reflect my diversity and I love experimenting in this medium but I also just released my first music album in December 2022. I love trying out new things and I have also tried my hand at making silver jewelry. That being said, I prefer to focus on who I am and what I like. My name is Aliénor BEREDER. I am half French and half Danish and I navigate between Brussels, Copenhagen and Paris. I like to draw, paint, laugh, gesticulate, act, sing, photograph life, laugh, sing, take care of those I love, laugh, play the piano, sing again, compose music, cuddle my dog, travel, cook, laugh, wear mismatched and/or colorful socks, and I do my best to change the world and fight injustice.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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