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Anouk…It’s CHOO-Time



Title: Anouk…It’s CHOO-Time
Year: 2021
Size: 160x120 cm
Technique: Mixed media on canvas


“Shoetime”: It is my interpretation of missing lifequality, a transformation, of lost emotions. "Shoetime" is my expressive answer to the loss of LIFE quality, caused by Corona.
"How much Corona has socially “dissed”-tanced us from all the beautiful things in this world, isn't it a shame?"
"So, let us better concentrate on what we are missing, let us concentrate on the beautiful, on aesthetics and perhaps let us try to orient ourselves instead to Helmut Newton."
Shoetime is the approach of creating a counterbalance, or better, a kind of valve. So it was time to turn to the color palette of fashion. According to this motto, the next cycle began, a next development from the colorful series "Under Construction".
Why high heels, you ask? Well, a “style” tool was needed, a kind of “catalyst”. Painting with high heels, a metaphor, provocative, sexy and deliberately not without controversy. Aware of the options, but also of the polarizing effect, I stage and use the sanctuary of women, like sacrilege. But even these shoes, and of course the women themselves, could neither show nor be seen during this time, thus passing through the same phase of lost lifetime.
And so it is precisely this “use” in a conscious, idiosyncratic way that turns the shoe into a work of art at the same time. He, the shoe, is not reduced, on the contrary, it is staged - it is respectfully elevated to an independent sculpture.
Aware of precisely this attention, options have long been philosophizing about how to present the elegant heel in a completely different way.

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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