Célia D'Amico
Célia D'Amico, is a 25 year young graphic designer. Next to her regular job as social media and community manager, she has been involved for several years in conceptual photography with a focus on self-portraits. Célia also has a passion for photo collages which you can find on Instagram.
She studied Visual Design at LUCA School of Arts in Ghent, graduated in 2018. She also completed a copywriter course in 2021 through the Centrum voor Afstandsonderwijs.
Célia has been published on OpenVRT in the series '20 of 2021', her interview can be read here: https://bit.ly/3SioaVW.
She also has a publication in the Human Body is Art 2022 book by Bruxelles Art Vue (https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2269381).
Célia is a self-portrait and collage artist from Belgium. During the pandemic, in 2020, she started the project: Manélias. This was an escape from being trapped between the four walls of our homes. Through this project, she gained a creativity boost. Célia applies manipulations to her self-portraits. These are mainly developed by feeling. Based on the mood of the day. Through this project, she tries to create a mystery. Some small adjustments can open a whole new world.