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Giotto’s Robes I



Technique: Oil, graphite and oil pastel on canvas

In the summer of 2018, I began a journey that has turned has led to the life- long study of Giotto, particularly Rothko’s relationship with the ‘Rebel of the Renaissance.” My journey following the steps of Mark Rothko, began while conducting research for my MFA Thesis. I stumbled upon a book; “Rothko & Giotto”. I thought, what….? And so began an investigation of Giotto’s revolutionary painting style, and that journey continues to influence my work, and the work of many modern and contemporary artists. Part of the journey that continues is to find the paintings, and frescoes that exist of the master’s work around Italy, mostly Tuscany.
My methodology is to study the work first, understand the message he is speaking of, through this work of art. And then I focus in on the robes themselves. The different folds, values, hues of color of which Giotto was a master. I Begin with oil and pastel, graphite pencil, and I work from the photographs, and images taken of these robes of Giotto, and I begin to abstract the robes. These small works are then brought back to the studio and larger abstract versions are now in process. The journey has lead me to learn much more about Rothko’s summers in Italy, like William DeKooning, Italy became a focus for many years, and Greece. Many of the great Modern Artists took something away from the great masters and reinterpreting the masters in a contemporary more constructive way is still the focus of many contemporary artists today.
In the painting, “Giotto’s Robes I” The Giotto painting was found in the Museum of Duomo in Florence. This was the very beginning of the journey, and represents the process of abstracting the images I chose in the folds and colors of Giotto’s robes. This painting stands alone as a study in abstraction, of line, form, and color, inspired by the hand of the rebel of the Renaissance, Giotto!”

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