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Title: Abyss
Size: 40 x 60 cm
Background-Colors: Venetian Rose, Permanent Blue Violet, Ultramarine Violet Light, Quinacridone Rose
Splash-Colors: Pearl White, Permanent Blue Violet, Reflex Rose, Reflex Orange
Techniques: Background – Dry Brush Technique; Center – Brush Strokes, Ballon Splash and Brush Splash

The background is made with the dry brush technique. Afterwards I applied liquid colors on the right and left top of the artwork and spread each with a single brushstroke. Then I splashed the same colors with the same viscosity out of a shot glass on the artwork an d on the last step I popped colorfilled balloons on the artwork.
Because of the downward movement to the center and the details of the splashes it seems, if two opposing forces are colliding downwards to the abyss.

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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