Al Ali Art
Art for me is a voice to show the world how I live the life of colored symphony. Using alot of colors, media and even an imaginable items, been a passion of mine, to create more waves of sensational art forms touched and seen also heard by all around me. My dreams translated through what I make. I love art and hopefully that is enough to show others just how easy to do the things you love and make others love you back through it.
Accession to the site of the World Art
Member of the Group of Sami Mohammed and participation in exhibitions 2006-2010 of The Group.
Participate in the Bahrain 2008 National gallery
Participate in cultural gorain galleries 2006 - 2015
Participation in exhibitions spring 2006-2015 to the Council for Culture, Arts and
Literature \ Ahmed Al Adwani Hall First place for the exhibition of the Kuwaiti Society for Fine Arts and foremost by the Youth and Sports to the category of drawings water-colors for the year 2007
Participate in the World's Fair French art and creativity of youth at the Centre
Pompidou, Paris, France 2006 Technical.
Personal art gallery within the project of personal achievement in the secondary
Musharraf high school - Girls for 2006-2007
Second place for artistic creativity of the girls in a competition for amateur title (peace for all) held in Munich - Germany 2005
Prestigious award for amateur graphic imaging by site in 2005-2006
Former member of the UNESCO on the protection of the environment, culture and human learning in 1995
Participate in the Ministry of Education of the paintings to the category of photography and decorative design in 1993
Creativity Award for children \ Riyadh 1992
Award for the Arts creative expression - the category below the 15 \1991 Dammam