Isabella Mandelli
Isabella Mandelli artist and life skills trainer is dedicated to training for companies, hospitals and institutions through watercolor art and her philosophy of “No such things as a mistake” where error becomes wandering, experimenting in the absence of judgement. She was CEO of an American multinational in the medical device sector and has worked for other multinationals during her career as a business leader. The proposed training is based on management skills developed over years in the company, combined with artistic skills, and aims to stimulate under-standing and acceptance of diversity, welcoming others through thoughtful leadership, caring for oneself and others with benevolence and harmony, using art as an educational vehicle. From the tip of her brush the Barabubbles come to life. A whole population of dream and anthropomorphic characters, including Barabà, Oco, Finolu and Boda, each with a distinct and vivid per-sonality, based on Jung's psychological studies. A chaotic, peaceful explosion of watercolors, transparent bubbles, allegories of our world, the throwing of hearts to connect, a dynamic balance between nature and its fantastic creatures, are just some of the central elements in Isabel-la's works that make her painting always recognizable. Isabella defines herself as an eco-social artist, focusing on care in an absolute sense: from respect for the environment and its elements to respect for diversity and inclusiveness. Her art, we could say, gives itself: it invites the observ-er to become the protagonist of colorful worlds: Isabella's works stimulate the search for har-mony, authenticity, joy and respect. It is an art that, in its dynamism, seeks to convey a unique serenity: a driving, oxymoronic calm, like everything beautiful in the world. By becoming active participants in this interaction, individuals are encouraged to explore their imaginations and establish a connection between experimentation and engagement with the use of art and crea-tivity as training tools. Despite the hyper-rational approach taken by companies, this process nurtures a sense of enjoyment in discovery, creating opportunities for reflection, shared experi-ences and transformation. Isabella held her debut exhibition at MAC in Milan, the city of her residence, in November 2018. This exhibit was in collaboration with her artistic mentor, Pietro Spica. Subsequently, she showcased her work at personal exhibitions across Liguria, where she has home and atelier, as well as in Rome, Venice, Milan, San Marino and Hong Kong. The monograph, Barabubbles Manual, and Mandalas are published by Psicografici Editore and available on the publsher's and Amazon's websites. Barabubbles' virtual exhibition can always be accessed on their instagram page Barabubbles.