The alien colour visit
Title: The alien colour visit
Year Completed: 2021
Size: 62x62 cm including frame anthracite, on Plexiglas
Technical: sculptures, backdrops and decorations. These are illuminated with the coloured light components. Influenced by the intensity of the chosen colour components in connection with reflections and mirroring. The process of mixing the coloured light components is analogous to mixing the paint on the palette.
This new visual art is not computer graphics! It is created by splitting light into its spectral components: red, green, blue and the mixture of these. Just as it is done with the prism or the rainbow. The actual artistic process is exactly the same as with painting. The process of mixing the coloured light components is analogous to mixing the paint on the palette. A little more blue, a little violet, more yellow, less red, etc. This is followed by the complex creation of sculptures, backdrops and decorations. These are illuminated with the coloured light components. Influenced by the intensity of the chosen colour components in connection with reflections and mirroring. Fascinating pictures with a brilliant luminosity are created.