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Mariam Cremades




Title: Purification
Year: 2022

Technique: Mixed media on canvas
Size: 90x60 cm

“Purification” invites reflection and calm to find transformation, spiritual healing or energetic cleansing. Generating a dialogue for the viewer to explore his or her own emotion.
(Mariam Cremades)

“Purification” by Mariam Cremades is a fascinating mixed media on canvas, created in 2022, that delves into themes of transformation, spiritual healing and emotional cleansing. This artwork is a quintessential example of Cremades' unique ability to blend texture, color and light to evoke profound sensory and emotional experiences. The artist's dynamic brushstrokes, vibrant use of color and minimalist yet emotionally charged compositions make her art unique and here we can see a splendid example of this. “Purification” exemplifies the evolution of Cremades' artistic style from passionate expressionism to a more intimate and minimalist conceptual approach. The work is characterized by harmonious strokes and pronounced textures, which guide the viewer towards a sculptural understanding of the painting. The artwork's muted palette of muted whites, grays and soft earth tones creates a serene and contemplative atmosphere. Observing the work one really has the sensation of an intersection and a dialogue between the senses, because the attentive gaze is transformed into the tactile sensation of the material under the fingers, as if touching the work with the gaze was also touching it with the fingers. The emotional core of “Purification” lies in its ability to serve as a catalyst for introspection and spiritual renewal. The textured surface, with its intricate reliefs and various tactile qualities, invites viewers to engage not only visually but also emotionally. The delicate color transitions and layering of textures symbolize the process of shedding old layers and emerging renewed. This metaphorical cleansing encourages the viewer to reflect on their experiences, emotions and journey towards personal transformation. In her artistic statement, Cremades describes the canvas as her “abstract thought”, a space in which she can flow and create a language of shapes, textures and reliefs that evoke ethereal spaces and different emotions. “Purification” is a perfect embodiment of this: the abstract shapes and textured layers of the work create a dialogue between the artwork and the viewer, allowing for a personal and unique interpretation of the work. Technically, Cremades' use of mixed techniques allows for a rich and dynamic surface. The combination of colors, along with other materials, creates a depth and complexity that engages the viewer on multiple levels. The pronounced textures and color contrasts are not mere visual elements but also tactile experiences that increase the emotional impact of the work. This piece is part of her ongoing exploration of the connection between the individual and nature, a theme that runs throughout her work. Channeling natural energies and elements, “Purification” seeks to develop consciousness and find beauty in everyday life. This work not only showcases her technical skill but also her deep understanding of the human experience and the transformative power of art.

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